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6466) Michael Brososky 
Jackson, Michigan
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Mrs. Julie Adams has always been one of my favorite actresses since i first discovered her in her iconic role in “Creature of the Black Lagoon.” Even though it was just a role in a monster movie, she captured mine - and hundreds of others hearts. I’ve been on the lookout for other Adams movies as she stole hearts and the screen in everything else she would appear in. As a huge fan it saddens me I did not get a chance to meet or get an surly from her before she went on to her next great role, but getting to see her great movies and know about this great actresss is still amazing enough. My hearts and thoughts go out to her family during this time 😢. Farewell and thank you for the continuous memories!
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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